Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation

Our allocation models can determine how much you want to invest in stocks or bonds.

Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation Models

These allocation models can determine how much you want to invest in stocks or bonds. Our models portray some common different goals-based investment strategies. Keep in mind that there’s no correct or incorrect model, so it’s important to pay close attention to what feels best for your goals and risk tolerance. Asset allocation is a key component of a core investing strategy because it allows investors to develop a disciplined approach to the amount of each asset class they own.


A growth portfolio consists of mostly stocks expected to appreciate, taking into account long-term potential and potentially large short-term price fluctuations. An investor seeking this portfolio has a high-risk tolerance and a long-term investment time horizon. Generating current income isn’t a primary goal.

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A balanced portfolio invests in both stocks and bonds to reduce potential volatility. An investor seeking a balanced portfolio is comfortable tolerating short-term price fluctuations, is willing to tolerate moderate growth, and has a mid- to long-range investment time horizon.


An income portfolio consists primarily of dividend-paying stocks and coupon-yielding bonds. If you’re comfortable with minimal risk and have a short- to midrange investment time horizon, this approach may suit your needs. Keep in mind, that depending on the account, dividends and returns can be taxable.

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