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Global Advisers2024-06-01T06:23:27-04:00

We work to make a positive difference in the lives of people who want a secure financial future. Our Wealth Management services

To help investors of all levels achieve long-term investment success through strong management, product selection, and low fees.

Everything we do involves financial, brokerage, advisory, and client service experts with one main goal in mind—to provide our clients with the best possible combination of advice, service, and long-term results.

See how our low-cost approach can help you make the most of your money. You’ll never pay a commission to buy or sell most mutual funds in your accounts, and our custodian fees for stock and bond trades are among the lowest available. This means you keep more of your money as your wealth grows over time.

Our wealth management services are built on trust, respect, and a deep understanding of your financial goals. We form lifelong partnerships with our clients so they can appreciate financial growth, security, and the privacy they deserve.

Our investment advisory services vary depending on your needs. In general, they fall into one or a combination of the following categories. What we do:

As Money Managers

We manage your portfolio and handle all your investing. This includes:
  • Designing investment portfolios, generally consisting of stocks, bonds, and other individual securities.
  • Managing your portfolio on a discretionary basis.

As Financial Planners

We review your situation and help with big-picture planning. This includes:
  • Helping you look to the future and do long-term financial planning in the areas of retirement, college funding, wealth transfer, tax planning, and insurance.

As Wealth Managers

We handle both your investing and planning needs. This includes:
  • Providing highly personalized, comprehensive financial planning as well as investment and portfolio management for high-net-worth clients.
  • Coordinating with other professional advisors, such as attorneys and accountants, to serve more complex financial needs, which may include tax minimization, trust management, wealth transfers, real estate management, and portfolio performance analytics.

Our Areas of Practice:

Wealth Management2024-06-01T05:09:56-04:00
  • Financial Planning: Developing comprehensive financial plans for individuals and families.
  • Estate Planning: Advising clients on how to manage their estate to minimize taxes and ensure smooth transfer of assets.
Tax Planning2024-06-02T02:17:35-04:00
  • Tax Efficiency: Implementing strategies to minimize tax liabilities, such as tax-loss harvesting and strategic withdrawals.
Risk Management2024-06-01T05:08:38-04:00
  • Quantitative Analysis: Using mathematical models to assess and manage financial risk.
  • Hedging Strategies: Implementing strategies to mitigate various types of risk, such as market risk, credit risk, and operational risk.
  • Diversification: Reducing risk by spreading investments across various assets, sectors, and geographies.
Quantitative and Algorithmic Strategies2024-06-01T05:09:11-04:00
  • Algorithmic Trading: Using computer algorithms to execute trades at optimal times and prices.
  • Quantitative Models: Developing and implementing quantitative models to guide investment decisions.
Portfolio Management2024-06-01T06:14:22-04:00
  • Active Management: Making continuous buy, hold, and sell decisions to outperform market benchmarks.
  • Passive Management: Managing portfolios to replicate the performance of a specific index or benchmark with minimal trading.
  • Asset Allocation: Strategically distributing investments across various asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) to balance risk and return.

Philanthropic Planning2024-06-01T05:13:12-04:00
  • Charitable Giving: Assisting clients with strategies for charitable giving, including the use of donor-advised funds, charitable trusts, and direct donations.
  • Tax Benefits: Ensuring that clients take advantage of tax benefits associated with charitable contributions.
Mutual Fund Management2024-06-01T05:07:52-04:00
  • Fund Selection: Creating and managing mutual funds that pool investors’ money to invest in diversified portfolios of securities.
  • Performance Monitoring: Continuously tracking fund performance and making adjustments as needed.
Investment Planning2024-06-01T06:02:11-04:00
  • Portfolio Management: Constructing and managing investment portfolios to align with clients’ risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial goals.
  • Asset Allocation: Diversifying investments across different asset classes to manage risk and optimize returns.
Investment Management2024-06-01T04:48:51-04:00
  • Portfolio Management: Managing investment portfolios for individuals, companies, and institutions.
  • Asset Allocation: Determining the optimal distribution of assets across various classes to achieve investment objectives.
Investment Management2024-06-01T06:24:12-04:00
  • Portfolio Management: Managing investment portfolios for individuals, companies, and institutions.
  • Asset Allocation: Determining the optimal distribution of assets across various classes to achieve investment objectives.
Investment Consulting2024-06-01T06:10:26-04:00
  • Institutional Consulting: Providing investment advice to institutions such as pension funds, endowments, and foundations.
  • Research and Due Diligence: Conducting research on investment opportunities and performing due diligence on investment products and managers.
Insurance Planning2024-06-01T05:12:29-04:00
  • Risk Management: Assessing clients’ insurance needs and recommending appropriate coverage for life, disability, health, long-term care, and property and casualty insurance.
  • Policy Review: Regularly reviewing existing insurance policies to ensure they continue to meet clients’ needs.
Alternative Investments2024-06-01T05:10:14-04:00
  • Hedge Funds: Managing funds that employ various strategies to achieve returns, including long/short equity, market neutral, and event-driven strategies.
  • Private Equity: Investing in privately held companies or engaging in buyouts and venture capital.
  • Real Estate: Managing investments in commercial, residential, or industrial properties.
Cash Flow and Budgeting2024-06-01T05:12:49-04:00
  • Budgeting: Creating detailed budgets to help clients manage their income and expenses effectively.
  • Debt Management: Developing strategies to manage and reduce debt, including credit card debt, student loans, and mortgages.
Client Advisory2024-06-01T05:08:48-04:00
  • Investment Strategy Development: Creating customized investment strategies based on clients’ goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.
  • Performance Reporting: Providing clients with regular updates and detailed reports on portfolio performance.
  • Education and Communication: Educating clients on investment principles and maintaining clear communication regarding investment decisions and market conditions.
Education Planning2024-06-01T05:12:18-04:00
  • Saving for Education: Helping clients save for education expenses through 529 plans, Coverdell ESAs, and other education savings vehicles.
  • Financial Aid: Advising on financial aid options and strategies to maximize aid eligibility.

Employee Benefits Planning2024-06-01T05:13:00-04:00
  • Benefit Optimization: Advising clients on how to maximize their employer-provided benefits, including retirement plans, health insurance, and stock options.
  • Flexible Spending Accounts: Helping clients utilize FSAs and HSAs to manage healthcare costs efficiently.
Equity Management2024-06-01T05:07:15-04:00
  • Stock Selection: Analyzing and selecting individual stocks to include in portfolios.
  • Sector Rotation: Adjusting portfolio allocations based on anticipated sector performance.
  • Dividend Investing: Focusing on stocks that provide regular dividend payments.

Estate Planning2024-06-01T05:12:07-04:00
  • Wealth Transfer: Planning for the transfer of assets to heirs and beneficiaries in a tax-efficient manner.
  • Trusts and Wills: Advising on the creation of trusts, wills, and other estate planning documents to ensure clients’ wishes are fulfilled.
Financial Planning2024-06-01T06:09:16-04:00
  • Retirement Planning: Helping clients plan for retirement by analyzing current savings, and projected retirement needs, and creating strategies to achieve retirement goals.
  • Education Planning: Assisting clients in saving for their children’s education expenses through various investment vehicles like 529 plans.
  • Estate Planning: Advising on the distribution of assets upon death, minimizing estate taxes, and ensuring a smooth transfer of wealth.
Fixed Income Analysis2024-06-01T05:08:20-04:00
  • Bond Valuation: Assessing the value and risk of bond investments.
  • Credit Analysis: Evaluating the creditworthiness of bond issuers and the likelihood of default.
Fixed Income Management2024-06-01T05:07:38-04:00
  • Bond Selection: Choosing bonds based on credit quality, yield, and duration.
  • Interest Rate Risk Management: Strategies to mitigate the impact of interest rate changes on bond portfolios.
  • Credit Analysis: Evaluating the creditworthiness of bond issuers.
Institutional Management2024-06-01T05:09:01-04:00
  • Pension Funds: Managing assets for pension plans to meet future liabilities.
  • Endowments and Foundations: Investing funds to support the missions of non-profit organizations.
  • Sovereign Wealth Funds: Managing government-owned investment funds.

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