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Personal Investors

Asset Management2024-05-11T00:39:30-04:00

Asset Management

Global Advisers Asset Management provides two different advisor-guided paths for investors to achieve their long-term financial goals.

Asset Management at Global Advisers helps investors prepare for the next level of building wealth.

Through Global Advisers Asset Management we provide investment advisory services to individual investors seeking long-term growth. We support two different advisor-guided paths to help investors achieve their goals.

Both paths are designed for investors with less than $50,000 in investable assets.

The Wealth Builder program provides a method through which we deliver portfolios that cover all industries, sectors, and asset classes. It follows a strict methodology that produces customized accounts designed for broad exposure, long-term performance, diversification, low fees, and tax efficiency.

Diversified Passive Indexing provides an advisor-guided strategy for selecting low-fee index funds and ETFs. Index inclusion is based on macroeconomic and industry trends and other key economic metrics.

Both paths culminate in building a diversified portfolio of investments in stocks, bonds, and funds that serve as a core portfolio for investors who want to prepare for the next level of wealth building.

Both paths provide low-fee investing options that cover all asset classes, sectors, and industries.

Which path is right for you?


Wealth Builder

For investors seeking an advisor-guided account that includes individual stocks and bonds vs. index funds.

  • Selection: 6 customized portfolios
  • Reporting: Basic analytics

  • Management: discretionary

  • Fees: no more than 0.02
  • Rebalancing: when needed
  • Minimum investment to get started: no minimum but we suggest $10,000


Passive Indexing

For investors seeking an advisor-guided account that includes index funds vs. individual stocks and bonds.

  • Selection: index funds and/or ETFs

  • Reporting: Basic analytics

  • Management: discretionary

  • Fees: 0.02 plus fund or ETF fees
  • Rebalancing: quarterly

  • Minimum investment to get started: no minimum but we suggest $2,000

Frequently asked questions

What is Index Investing?2024-03-12T04:49:21-04:00

Index investing is a passive investment strategy that aims to replicate the performance of a specific benchmark index, such as the S&P 500 or the NASDAQ Composite. It involves purchasing a diversified portfolio of stocks or bonds that mirrors the constituents of the index, allowing investors to benefit from the broad market’s returns with minimal buying and selling. This strategy is favored for its low costs, simplicity, and potential to achieve steady long-term returns, reflecting the overall market trends rather than the performance of individual securities.

How Does Index Investing Differ from Active Investing?2024-03-12T04:47:24-04:00

The key difference between index investing and active investing lies in the investment management approach. Index investing is a form of passive management where the goal is to match the returns of a market index by replicating its holdings. There’s minimal trading, which results in lower transaction costs and tax efficiency. Conversely, active investing involves a more hands-on approach, where fund managers make specific investment decisions with the aim of outperforming a benchmark index. This can lead to higher costs due to frequent trading and active management fees, and it requires a greater level of market insight and risk-taking.

What are the Benefits of Index Investing?2024-03-12T04:48:30-04:00

Index investing offers several benefits, making it a popular choice for both novice and experienced investors. Firstly, it provides broad market exposure, reducing the risk associated with individual stocks or sectors. Secondly, it is cost-effective, as the lower turnover rates and passive management strategy result in lower fees compared to actively managed funds. Additionally, index investing offers simplicity and convenience, allowing investors to achieve a well-diversified portfolio without the need to extensively research individual securities. Lastly, over long periods, index funds have historically matched or even outperformed actively managed funds, making them an attractive option for long-term investment strategies.

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