Markets and the economy

How 60/40 investing provides 20/20 clarity

Published on August 14, 2021

Markets and the economy

INVESTOR EDUCATION: Markets and the economy | Investor Education

How 60/40 investing provides 20/20 clarity

Published on August 14, 2021

Inflation and rising interest rates are stirring conversations among investors about the potential impact on stocks and bonds moving in sync. Our team at Global Advisers delved into historical data to understand how these dynamics affect portfolio diversification, focusing on inflation as a key influencer.

Inflation’s Impact on Portfolio Diversification

Our analysis reveals that significant inflation spikes are required for stocks and bonds to exhibit concurrent movements, challenging the diversification properties of a balanced portfolio. Despite current inflation concerns, our findings suggest that a much higher rate is necessary to disrupt the diversification benefits significantly.

The Value of Balanced Portfolios for Long-Term Investors

A balanced mix of stocks and bonds remains a cornerstone for investors aiming for growth while mitigating volatility. Stocks drive growth, but the journey isn’t without its dips. Bonds often provide stability during these fluctuations, underscoring their role in a well-considered investment strategy.

Correlation and Its Influence on Diversification

The relationship between stock and bond returns, measured by correlation, plays a pivotal role in diversification. Historically, these asset classes have not always moved in tandem, with long-term trends showing a generally negative correlation, especially since 2000. This negative correlation has been crucial for smoothing portfolio volatility over time.

Inflation’s Threshold for Changing Correlations

Our research pinpoints long-term inflation as the primary factor influencing stock and bond correlations. Remarkably, it would require a sustained average inflation rate far above current projections to shift this correlation into positive territory consistently. For context, achieving a positive correlation would necessitate maintaining a significantly higher annual core inflation rate over a decade, a scenario well above the Federal Reserve’s target.

Implications for Asset Allocation

For those contemplating adjustments to their portfolios in anticipation of a shift in stock and bond correlations, our advice is to hold steady. Strategic asset allocation remains a more influential factor in determining long-term investment outcomes than short-term correlation shifts. Even in varying inflationary environments, a balanced approach—such as the traditional 60% stocks and 40% bonds allocation—continues to offer a solid foundation for pursuing investment goals.

In conclusion, while inflation and interest rates influence market dynamics, the principles of diversified, balanced investing stand firm. At Global Advisers, we believe in maintaining a strategic focus, ensuring our clients are well-positioned to navigate any market conditions and continue on their path to achieving their financial objectives.

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